Meet, Date and Attract with Women You Want even in the Middle of Strict Social Restrictions without Fearing the Risk of Rejection

This is for men that are:

  • Looking to simply casually date 
  • Looking for a long term girlfriend
  • Or already in a long term relationship looking to rekindle passion and chemistry in your currently relationship

I'm sure most of you reading this are already considered a catch. 

You may already get compliments on your face, physique, dress well, academically pretty successful, well read, can hold mature conversations in a wide variety of areas and have various outside interests...

However I'm sure you still face these problems:

  • You are a busy professional, a student or a career oriented individual that is tried of going on dates the end up in rejection, the friend zone or find yourself stuck from online dating applications

  • Yet, deep down inside you still feel do not enough, unworthy of women and feel they have an entire flock of guys lining up for her who are all superior to you.

  • You are feeling stuck in your current relationship and have lost the passion and connection with your partner. You lost touch in your grounded purpose as a masculine individual

I hit lowest point in my life came after: pushing myself to complete a degree that I always wanted to achieve, attended a summer program at one of the most prestigious Universities the world, waking up at nearing my thirties feeling like I had wasted my best years chasing degrees, academic performance and fulfilling societal expectations that are meaningless. 

I had also 'done it all'... travelled to multiple parts of the world chasing hedonistic pleasure with women one after another....

Clients all Over the World: Success Story

“I was having problems in romantic relationships and I couldn't find a solution to this problem. I always struggled, but I didn't know where the problem lay, until I signed up for Marcus’s program. I managed to go out on 4-5 dates from Tinder and after approaching 5-6 girls. My outlook on life has changed, and he has become more confident in myself and has high charisma. I developed the skills to manage your emotional life, replacing confusion, shame, guilt and fear with understanding, responsibility, and compassion”

From Heartbreak to Dating Coach

You see, I was once your average Asian dude, who had average grades in school, average friends and ZERO clue about how women worked… until... my ex-girlfriend dumped me over TEXT MESSAGE just weeks before compulsory enlistment into two years of the Singapore military service.

Yes, you heard it right. I was on route to enlistment into the compulsory Singapore military service and I got dumped right before enlisting...

I told myself to 'suck it up' and 'take it like a man'. I also wished I could tell you that I managed to do just that, went to officer cadet school in the military and proved her wrong...

However, I didn't. 

I ended up going through an emotional hell and suffered a full mental breakdown during my first year in the military…

I realised that a lot of us are ill equipped to understand:

  • Our own emotions 
  • Our own masculine psychology
  • How to be clear on our life values, assert boundaries in relationships, self esteem and more...

Half way through my service, I chanced upon the dating and personal development community and realised that success with women and relationships can be learned just like any other skillset

For the next decade, I gobbled up as much as I can on dating, relationships, self help and psychology... all in attempt to improve my dating, relationships and business career

I hoarded books, loaded up academic modules in University on psychology, stayed up late nights discussing dating strategies with friends, hired out dating coaches, pick up artists, clinical psychologists and spent hours and hours in nightclubs and on dates across multiple countries trying to figure out dating, relationships and this thing called meaning in my life...

I eventually got good at it in my home country and decided what I had learned to multiple cultures such as the United States, Europe, Japan, Taiwan, Beijing and South East Asia:

In Germany:

In Barcelona, on a date with a German lawyer (I told her she was more Asian than I am with the selfie):

On a date in Prague with a Dutch Girl:

In Taiwan with a Taiwanese:

In Tokyo Japan with a Half Japanese/ Korean:

Throwing porno parties in Singapore:

Going on National TV as a dating expert:

CNA Dating Interview

Landed myself on national TV

Is Good Looks, High Status and Wealth The Answer?

You are constantly taught by society that you need to be ‘good looking’, ‘rich’ or have ‘high social status’ in order to impress women or even to feel good about yourself in a romantic relationship

Yet, the majority of testimonials and stories from my clients are:

  • CEOs/ business owners
  • Engineers
  • IT Professionals
  • Finance/ banking professionals
  • Management executives
  • MBA graduates

If you ask anybody, these categories of men would fall under the 'elite' and ‘successful’ lenses of society.

However for some odd reason they STILL found themselves floundering with women and relationships at one point of their life.

They too found themselves in a position like you did when you finally confessed to a girl you fancy... and she awkwardly tells you that she only sees you as a friend? 

"You're too nice for me"

How many of you find yourself in awkward, distressing situations like this?

Then you probably decided that these days it's not enough to be decent looking guy with a nice personality.

You got to resort to pretending to be someone you are not:

  • Trying too hard to have the connections, be rich, be famous or even be 'the life of the party kind of guy'... all just to woefully attract the attention of some random girl


You’re here because you are frustrated at how things are with women you want, where your current relationships are headed and you feel a general lack of clarity in your life

Nope it Isn't

One common complain I get from high achievers, especially busy career oriented men is that they don’t feel fulfilled and desire to feel alive again

This could be because you may have tried to achieve so much in their life that they end up feeling empty inside in spite of all their external achievements:

  • Good grades 
  • Good Universities
  • High paying job, a promising career

They may have totally ignored their own emotional development all these years...

Look it, the majority of my clients generally don’t have an issue talking to people. Some of them are already happily married.

However they battle with insecurities and can’t seem to see their inner value when it comes to women and relationships 

It's not surprising to find their confidence issues comes seeping through when it comes to talking to girls they find attractive or they cannot keep the chemistry and passion in a long term relationship

You might even find yourself saying stuff like:

"I have a great personality. Nobody wants to date me, but I know I have a great personality. It’s not my fault women don’t recognize how great I am. It’s because some superficial thing doesn’t attract them to me."

I’ll share with you my side of the story:

I chased prestige, grades, business achievements and external goals relentlessly in my entire 20s.

It got so bad that women started seeing me as a career oriented male who couldn’t give her the passion, chemistry and intimacy she desired.

It then strike me in my late twenties that relationships aren't built on a resume.

They are reliant on emotional skills such as connection, intimacy and vulnerability...

Ultimately, deep down, my overcompensation stemmed from a deep insecurity that I wasn’t enough just as I was.

My damaged and hurt inner self was still there, trying to gasp for affection, recognition and affection.

No matter how many business achievements I achieved, degrees I attain-ed, prestigious schools I attended, countries I flew to or women I dated…

My hurt inner self remained, unhealed.

This is why I figured that it's necessary for everyone to do the inner healing...

This is why being clear on your purpose, ironing out your values and finding meaning is the a priority when it comes to getting our dating and relationships life handled

Imagine being to wake up every morning, feeling good about what you do, having a clear vision of the future, being a lot more conscious about your dating, relationships life and ultimately replacing the old software with a new one that is healed, light hearted, joyous and fun?

Yes it's possible.

Pharmacist Executive Bouncing Back after Traumatic Loss

“I’d never thought I'd engage a dating coach… until I needed one”: said a client of mine.

He had spent years of his life ac-ing his grades, attended a top University in Asia and even landed himself an engineering role at a prestigious national airline.

This exact line struck me after years of coaching.

It’s not uncommon for men spend their 20s and 30s focusing purely on academic performance and their career…

Only… to find out later in life that they are ill equipped about women and dating, relationships and emotional skills

They even ended up being used as a dinner ticket by women at one point and hated themselves for it

This contradiction puzzled me for YEARS as I saw my everyone else try to earn a better degree, get a better job, earn a promotion or make more money ALL IN THE EFFORTS just to feel enough and confident about themselves, especially with women!

These conventional strategies are not only ineffective but you’ll later find out that they are not in your direct sphere of control.

You know what’s in your control?


Nerdy Indian Engineer Finds a Girlfriend in 60 Days

Let me introduce you Harsh, an Indian expat...

He wasn't even originally from Singapore and managed to find success with a woman who is from the majority ethnicity in a country that he isn't even from!

"He showed made the changes I should make. He gave me some minor tweaks, which I could do. So I tried that, and after that, I was able to get five to six matches a week and I was able to convert that five or six matches a week into dates. It has improved in that way, but after I was able to converse, I was still not able to move ahead of the second date, of the first date. He showed me some personality changes, which I should do. The alpha male qualities, which he asked me to put them.

So that helped me in converting the dates into an intimate interaction. Yes. Marcus has helped me in a way to open up. I'm always kind of introverted person, so it's better for me to talk to people in general and approaching women. I's too difficult.

So with his online coaching and also his infield sessions, it has helped me to open up a bit. I'm still not that good at it, but I've seen the improvements. I've seen the changes. At least I'm able to approach people now. I think if I can do it, anyone can do it. 

I always used to think that it's about you, it's your mistake and everything like that. He taught me in a way that it's always about the confidence you project on people. To be honest, Singapore is already a difficult market. If I can get results from this particular market, then I'm pretty sure with his style of coaching, you can get results in any other market.

I would say Singapore's one of the most toughest, but if you can bring out results in that, even in online dating, then I'm pretty sure you are foolproof. I think Singapore people in general, they are bit conservative. So if you can open them up, then you can open any other race anywhere in the world. In a way, yes, his way of teaching, it's a bit different. Also, he doesn't push you to become an arrogant or rude kind of person. He always says that even nice guys can do it. It's just, you need to have just a bit of spark and spice in your nice behavior. To be honest, there's nothing wrong being a nice guy. It's just, you need to know how to work around it and use it for your advantage rather than using it as a disadvantage." - Harsh

Still think you need to be tall, good looking and rich? Then I hope Harsh proves you absolutely wrong.


  • I’m not your usual tall, good looking coach. I am 167 cm tall and by no means rich or have ‘high social status’.
  • I also didn’t attend an elite University and didn't graduate till my late twenties (I was a floundering student remember?)
  • I didn’t have rich parents (in fact, my family faced bankruptcy when I was much younger)

I also spent a good portion of my time on ‘introverted’ pursuits such as starting/ growing a business, investing in the financial markets and on nerdy subjects such as search engine optimization. 

Yet I’m able to design a dating and relationships life that I am proud of.

I did it all without:

  • Spending countless hours on approaching girls
  • Splashing thousands of dollars on tables and drinks at nightclubs
  • Spending hours glued to the phone screen hacking away at online dating applications
  • Spending hours, months or years, going on expensive dinner dates, gifts in order to get into the pants of some random attractive looking girl

Here's another case study of a client doing it without all of the above in the middle of a pandemic and strict social restrictions:

How to Succeed in Dating and Relationships as a Busy Professional

It’s easy to be confident during University days when you are surrounded by social and romantic opportunities one after another.

However, I'm sure you found dating and relationships much easier when you’re when you’re in University compared to adult life.

Then it hits you like a truck: meeting women becomes exponentially harder after graduating from University. You’ll quickly find out that it’s not like in school where you have multiple opportunities to meet other people. It’s impossible to replicate a vibrant energetic University campus environment.

Firstly, I know that as a busy professional, someone that considers himself intelligent and ambitious you too wish to spend time on relationships that only suit your standards.

Secondly, I am sure you don't wish to become someone with no real substance...

Thirdly, if you're a busy professional and not succeeding in dating and relationships... there could be a couple of reasons:

  • You are making excuses and not putting dating and your relationships as a priority
  • You're using old and out dated methods such as pick up artist methods
  • You don't understand interpersonal psychology

The truth is that many of you are already high achievers in other aspects of their life:

  • I competed competitively as a martial artist
  • I started and grew a business
  • I travelled to 30+ countries solo
  • I constantly attend programs outside my comfort zone: acing/b-ing during a summer program at UC Berkeley
  • I picked up new skillsets such as basic coding, Java in particular!

I enjoy other pursuits in my life and didn't want to become a party maniac JUST to get into the pants of some random attractive looking girl.

Yes, nerds can get laid too

This is why I built my online program, Limitless You! for ambitious, intelligent men out there who are tired of short sighted dating and relationship tactics

Listen, as a busy bee, I understand the problems you face:

  • You saw a decline your dating results after graduating from University
  • You are looking to women that truly excites you to go out on a Friday evening date with
  • You work in a mostly male environment (engineers say hello!)
  • You are starved for time and desire fast results
  • You are looking for a result oriented method instead of the ‘just be yourself’ or ‘just be confident’ chant that’s been repeated by 34723 life coaches
  • You are looking to rekindle and lead passionate relationships

This is why I figured I needed a method to date high quality women, maintain passion in my current relationships without:

  • Spending days, nights and hours in the club wasting time and money
  • Spending time and effort on dates that go nowhere
  • Spending 10,000 hours on the streets cold approaching women
  • Killing myself trying to get some stranger on some online dating application to reply me

THIS is why I built the program: Limitless You!

Emotional Intelligence is Sexy

Here's the ugly secret about the dating, relationships and life coaching industry:

The majority of the advice out there is short sighted and doesn't encompass psychological insights that is needed to grow as an all rounded authentic and naturally attractive individual

There are coaches who sell you on ineffective pick up artist advice that you need to do 10000 hours of approaches or that you need hundreds of matches on online dating applications to consider yourself a success

This is why in my programs I ground them based on growing into the naturally confident man that is effortlessly attractive to women:

  • Focus on the fundamentals: self esteem, life values and personal boundaries
  • Figure out your own personal psychology: our beliefs and inner child healing
  • Practical step by steps on how to build up social skills to get better with women and our romantic relationships

This is why in Limitless You! I include modules that touches on the inner self, limiting beliefs, building true confidence and masculine psychology

I deep dive into your personal identity and methods on how to constantly evolve into the naturally confident man that is effortlessly attractive to women.

I ground my methods with “over the shoulder” practical case studies, scripts and templates you can apply right away.

In fact, you'll rarely find another program on the internet with an “over the shoulder” curriculum, I’ll guarantee you that.

Our Relationships Contribute to our Day to Day Happiness

Here's the science: decades of psychological research that show that our dating, romantic and personal relationships contribute a huge portion to our day to day happiness.

It's an area of your life that you need to get GOOD at.

If haven’t felt it by now, dating and relationship problems are real!

Let me ask you, could you really focus at work when you had to deal with a relationship problem?

I sure as hell couldn't concentrate doing push-ups in the military after my ex-girlfriend dumped me! I had instructors shouting swear words in my face whilst my mind zoomed back to memories of her.

If that isn't emotional hell I don't know what is.

This emotional hell can even pour over to our professional lives:

  • You may find yourself not distracted from important daily tasks like your studies or your work.
  • You may even have become a loner amongst your friends and they may have left you alone because you were “moppy” about it.
  • You probably feel depressed after a breakup or a rejection.

These problems are real... and let's be honest here... your friends don't really talk about it either. (read: that’s because the majority of men do not actually know what they are doing with women and let me tell you why…)

Lives of Quiet Desperation or Inspiration?

One of the most common problems I get from friends (even high performing CEOs) is that they are STILL unable to date women they desire or lead meaningful relationships

Or maybe you are stuck in a dead end relationship right now, letting it drag on for years and I know it’s secretly gnawing your soul bit by bit inside.

Or maybe you spent your entire life focusing on University grades and/ or your career and you saw your friends getting attached through the years…

You end up convincing yourself that you didn’t really care... only for these problems to come rushing back to you today.

Let’s be honest, that what all of us are told to do: study hard, work hard and expect everything else to work out...

It's Not Entirely Your Fault

I understand it’s not entirely your fault... after all…

Intelligent men like you may be introverted and spend their free time enjoy solving complex problems in software, business finance...

You probably grew up in strict traditional families and aren't equipped with the right emotional skillsets growing up...

If you are Asian, it gets worst: your parents probably told you not to interact with people or talk to strangers as a child. 

Then suddenly you find yourself as an adult and you are:

  • Too sensitive to rejection from women: too afraid that others are going to start gossiping about it or make fun of you if you chat up a girl
  • Feel that the risk of rejection from a girl is more painful than not trying at all
  • Tying your entire self worth to external success factors: income, careers, grades and attention from women

Years fly by and you end up rationalising: “all the good women are already taken.”

Imagine if gave you a system and you could generate ton of high quality dates, become that naturally attractive man regardless if you are in a casual dating situation, or a long term relationship?

Here’s my opinion (and capital T truth):

You Lack a Step by Step Method to Get Women You Want

If you are in your later twenties, thirties and four-ties, your friends are probably in long term relationships and you are out of social/ romantic options.

I understand the problems you face:

  • You saw a decline your dating results after graduating from University
  • You work in a mostly male environment (engineers say hello!)
  • One of the BIGGEST problems you probably face is always waiting for someone that knows someone to introduce you to that someone.
  • You are starved for time
  • You are looking for a result oriented method instead of the ‘just be yourself’ or ‘just be confident’ chant that’s been repeated by 34723 life coaches
  • You are looking to rekindle chemistry your current long term relationship

This is why I figured I needed a practical method to date high quality women and maintain passion in my current relationships without:

  • Spending days, nights and hours in the club wasting time and money
  • Spending 10,000 hours on the streets approaching women
  • Killing myself trying to get some stranger on some online dating application to reply me
  • Trying to be someone that I am not

Or even worst, what if all your friends have dead-end social lives and call you ‘superficial’ and ‘fake’ for wanting to expand your dating opportunities or improve your current relationships?

Ultimately, you’re not solving the root of the problem: your own neediness

There may other reasons why you're reading this:

  • Maybe you don’t want to date your colleagues.
  • Maybe, you just came off a horrendous long term relationship, perhaps a divorce even and you can’t seem to get your feet up.
  • Maybe you have tried some slimy pick up artist methods and creep-ed everyone around you out... 

There can be tons of reasons, but let me ask you, do you have a step by step method to:

  • Self develop your personality into one that attracts high quality women into your life without pretending someone you are not

I’m not talking about the ones that you swipe on Tinder and they show up on a date WAYY different from their photos… I’m talking about the ones that make you feel nervous and yet excited when you’re with her. Yes, the ones that make you actually feel something for.

  • Self develop a lifestyle so that you can attract high quality women into your life effortlessly
  • Self develop a naturally attractive personality so that your romantic relationships are filled with chemistry and passion instead of dried out relationships…
  • How to get matches, numbers and land dates with high quality women through online dating applications and text her

The worst comes when things are going well with ONE girl and you start over worrying over that ONE girl. Yes I know how it feels, you start thinking if you take any risks you might lose her. (read: this is extremely need and unattractive behaviour by the way)

The mind games start:

  • She doesn’t reply on text
  • She replies with the typical one sentence boring answer and you start thinking if they are ‘playing hard to get’
  • Or maybe on a date out with her, you freeze up, you stare at her blankly and you fail time and time again to take the interactions beyond a platonic level...

  • The skillsets to freely approach stunning women you are attracted to and get them out on dates (like the one below)
  • The skillsets to follow up on text messages and turn these online or offline interactions into non flakey dates
  • The conversational skillsets to create comfort, emotional connection with her on dates
  • The dating skillsets to create passionate sexual tension between you and her on your dates
  • The ability to turn your dates into a sexual or romantic one 
  • Create sexual intimacy and make sex a win-win for you and her in an ethical manner

Your One Stop Solution for Dating, Relationships and Life Success

There’s a lot of programs out there marketed by gurus that are abstract based...

This is why I made this program the most “Over The Shoulder” program in the world:

  • It's "over the shoulder" done with you style, not presentations and theories:

There is a HUGE difference between theory and practice.

I'll show you how to implement theory and practice together so that you can achieve desired outcomes in the shortest possible time.

The content you find in this program isn't going to be released in any other platform in the world.

  • You get real life feedback and commentaries like this one:

Limitless You! Modules

The Attraction Module
  • How to attract beautiful women, the psychology of female attraction

  • The fundamentals of masculine attraction: 2 F's quick fixes that'll turn around women's reactions to you in a couple of days

  • The psychologically researched methods and exercises on how to get overcome anxiety around women

  • The tenets of masculine psychology: boundaries, living clear to your values and accessing your authentic self

The Approach Module
  • The exact step by step process on how to walk up to women anywhere, anytime in the world

  • Exact word for word scripts and lines that you can use in your approach

  • The "Freudian" method of finding out the root of your approach anxiety how to overcome it

  • Real life examples and psychologically researched exercises to get overcome approach anxiety even if you are introverted

The Connection Module
  • Good conversational mindsets so you can spark a connection with anyone, anywhere and anytime

  • How to talk to anyone and never run out of words

  • The art of the cold read: how to start conversations out of thin air

  • The art of teasing women effectively: how to use humour to generate attraction and connection without insulting her

  • How to story tell in a manner that enrapture'll her attention and leave her hanging for more

  • The art of vulnerability: how to let your rough edges through and connect deeply and powerfully with women

Masculine Core and Passionate Relationships Module
  • How self leadership creates polarity in your relationships: the feminine and masculine

  • How to assert yourself and be no more Mr nice guy

  • How to live out your true core values, have boundaries and generate true self esteem

  • Coaching calls, client feedback sessions that are practicing and implementing the curriculum in real life

Texting and Online Dating Module
  • The core principles of a great online dating profile: photos and profile description that generates high quality matches

  • How to take effective photos that's tailored for online dating applications even if you are not a professional photographer

  • How to test your profiles in a scientific manner to generate high quality matches

  • The core principles on how to text women and get her out on a date without wasting hours on your phone

  • Study first hand real life "over the shoulder" texting examples, online dating application messaging examples straight from my phone and/ or client's phones

The Sexual Confidence Module
  • How to touch her in an empathetic yet irresistible manner (exact lines, scripts and routines you can use)

  • The exact date plan to get her from first date potentially all the way back to yours in an ethical, effective and intimate way

  • How to make sexual intimacy a win for both you and her in an effective and ethical manner

  • The 'high value sexually irresistible masculine' mindsets and frames to elicit sexual attraction in her

  • Exact word for word scripts and lines that you can use starting today to elicit women become sexually intimate with you even if you're completely inexperienced

Other Success Stories

"For a brief moment, I was being a normal human being.

The girls were warm and they introduced themselves. From that day my mindset was changed and I no longer have to read up on these techniques and lines."

- Huy To, 26, Engineer

"Basically, online, if you see the pick-up stuff online, it's so flashy and shit.  So if you're doing that crazy shit, like the hand off-guard and like spinning and shit, it won't get you anywhere. The natural style of approaching, of what Marcus is teaching of course. And what he taught me is, just quality over quantity, of course."

- Ky 25, Student from Amsterdam

'I went out with three girls I met from networking events within a month of being consulted by Marcus'

- Melvin 37, Hedge Fund IT Consultant

100% Money Back Guarantee*

I offer a 60 days conditional money back guarantee. If you followed the program, joined our community and tried to get feedback on your progress, tried your best as I prescribed in the lessons and do not see measurable progress in your dating life.

You can email me photos of you attempting the program modules such as making wardrobe changes, changing your online dating profile and etc... I’ll refund you 100% of the course fees within the first 60 days from purchase.

Features and Bonuses

Private Telegram Community

To make your success inevitable, you are given access to my private Telegram group and community so you can join like minded individuals, interact with others on the same journey and exchange ideas.

You can post your experiences, online dating profiles etc. and get your queries answered by me!

Constantly Updated Curriculum

The true value of program is not just leading-edge information, but one that is constantly updated with cutting edge dating, relationships and life insights.

Unlike most other coaches, I field test my theories personally, through my clients and constantly update my curriculum.

Preferred Rates to Our Programs

If you are part of our online course here at MarcusNeo.Com.

You get preferred rates to our other coaching programs and products all around the world.

The True Worth of Limitless You! Program

  • The Introduction Module: (worth $297)
  • The Attraction Module: (worth $297)
  • The Targeted Approach Module: (worth $297)
  • The Conversation and Connection Module: (worth $297)
  • The Online Dating Module: (worth $297)
  • Real Life Live Online Dating Case Studies: (worth $497)
  • The Sexual Confidence Module: (worth $297)
  • Masculine Core and Passionate Relationships Module: (worth $297)
  • The Texting Module: (worth $297)  
  • Real Life from Text to Date Examples: (worth $497)
  • Infield Video Footage: (worth $997)
  • Recorded Coaching Calls from my Clients: (worth $497)
  • Private Telegram Community: (worth $997)

Total Value: $5364

Still not persuaded yet?

Here's a SNEAK Peak in the Limitless You! Modules:

Invest in Yourself Today

  • Total Value: $5364
  • One Time Full Payment Discount: Join the Waitlist
  • "Over the Shoulder" Curriculum:  30 hours of simple implementable process required for dating success from online dating to approaching complete strangers on the streets/ at bars... to texting her to getting her out on dates... to powerful connections... all the way to sexual intimacy.
  • Private Telegram Community: Get access to my team and I through our private Telegram community and get your questions answered, online dating profiles broken down and more!
  • Total Value: $5364
  • Comfortable Payment Terms: Join the Waitlist
  • Flagship "Over the Shoulder" Curriculum: 30 hours of simple implementable process required for dating success from online dating to approaching complete strangers on the streets/ at bars... to texting her to getting her out on dates... to powerful connections... all the way to sexual intimacy.
  • Private Telegram CommunityGet access to my team and I through our private Telegram community and get your questions answered, online dating profiles broken down and more!

It's Not just about Success with Women, but an Entire Life Transformation

I hope you realized by now this simply isn't about dating and relationship success and we go way beyond that scope

Say no more to:

  • Mindlessly swiping right on Tinder
  • Paying thousands of dollars for questionable matchmaking dates with dating agencies...
  • Dating way below what you actually desire/ deserve
  • Feeling lost in your purpose and not being a grounded masculine male

That's because I did that for FRIGGING YEARS as well!

Imagine having the rock solid confidence so much so that even if she looks at your weird and completely ignores you, you’ll merely laugh it off and go meet someone else.

Imagine the day you are not only able to date your ideal girl, but you are also able to strike a conversation with anyone, anywhere and are able to give a woman a sense that you’re trustworthy and mature... even if it was a non-romantic relationship.

Yes, it is about long term personal transformation.

"If you can't communicate, it's like winking at a girl in the dark — nothing happens. You can have all the brainpower in the world, but you have to be able to transmit it"

- CEO, Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet

Today, I have traveled to 30 odd countries solo, dated women way beyond my league, started a business based on my passions and even pushed myself to achieve good grades as compared to my floundering teenage years:

Marcus at UC Berkeley

Ace/B-ed my Summer program at UC Berkeley

How did I get here?

I put down 80% of my success down to my ability to be aware of myself and push myself emotionally: not just in the arena of dating and relationships

They all started from the core principles of:

  • Understanding my personal psychology: ability to regulate my emotions, being emotionally aware
  • Ironing our my life values, personal boundaries when it came to work and professional relationships
  • Finding my life purpose and meaning in what I do daily

Man Up! and Stop Procrastinating

In my years of helping men succeed in their dating and relationship lives, I figured there are:

#1 – The Procrastinators

These people believe in ‘tomorrow’. They either are afraid to take action or just decide that it’s something that can be delayed for another time. These people just end up cruising month-after-month, year-after-year and end up in the same spot that they started in. No progress, not any closer to their goals. 

They settle and wake up one day to wonder to themselves: what if?

#2 – The Smart Ones

These people are hungry and clear about what they want. They could probably figure these things out on their own if they had the right guidance or enough time. They know that they can avoid all that heartache and mistakes by learning from mistakes others have already made.

They believe in heavily investing in themselves and their knowledge because that is the best investment you can make.

Invest in Yourself Today

  • Total Value: $5364
  • One Time Full Payment Discount: Join the Waitlist
  • "Over the Shoulder" Curriculum:  30 hours of simple implementable process required for dating success from online dating to approaching complete strangers on the streets/ at bars... to texting her to getting her out on dates... to powerful connections... all the way to sexual intimacy.
  • Private Telegram Community: Get access to my team and I through our private Telegram community and get your questions answered, online profiles broken down and more!
  • Total Value: $5364
  • Comfortable Payment Terms: Join the Waitlist
  • Flagship "Over the Shoulder" Curriculum: 30 hours of simple implementable process required for dating success from online dating to approaching complete strangers on the streets/ at bars... to texting her to getting her out on dates... to powerful connections... all the way to sexual intimacy.
  • Private Telegram CommunityGet access to my team and I through our private Telegram community and get your questions answered, online profiles broken down and more!

You Might be Wondering (FAQ)

Is there a cap of members?

Is this just about dating and relationships?

I have spent a ton on courses and program in the past, what makes this different?

How do I know if the program is right for me?